Scrubs Wiki

NBC, or The National Broadcasting Company is an American-based television network that had aired Scrubs for seven years. As of May 2008 NBC no longer broadcasts episodes of Scrubs. This is due to Scrubs being produced by ABC Studios, ABC Studios is a part of the same group as ABC a competitor network, NBC decided to not to order a complete Season Seven due to this.

This gave ABC the chance to pick up Scrubs and has aired it since Season Eight.

Scrubs' airdates and times on NBC[]

Season Day Time ET Episodes Viewers*
Season One Tuesday 9:30pm 24 11.20
Season Two Thursday 8:30pm 22 15.94
Season Three Thursday 8:30pm 22 10.41
Thursday 9:30pm
Tuesday 9:30pm
Season Four Tuesday 9:30pm 25 6.90
Tuesday 9:00pm
Season Five Tuesday 9:00pm 24 6.40
Tuesday 9:30pm
Season Six Thursday 9:00pm 22 6.41
Season Seven Thursday 9:30pm 11 6.38
Thursday 8:30pm
* Average viewers in millions

External Links[]


Creator: Bill Lawrence   Production Companies: ABC StudiosDoozer   Networks: ABCNBC
Filming Locations: Culver StudiosNorth Hollywood Medical Center  Ratings: Ratings
Categories: CrewProducersProduction   Lists: AwardsCountries that air Scrubs
