Scrubs Wiki
Are You Okay? Are You Alright?
Starring   -   J.D., Elliot, Patti Miller
Composed by   -   Debra Fordham and Jan Stevens
Songs from "My Musical":

Are You Okay? Are You Alright?
Welcome to Sacred Heart
Everything Comes Down to Poo
Gonna Miss You Carla
The Rant Song
When The Truth Comes Out
Guy Love
For the Last Time, I'm Dominican
Friends Forever
What's Going to Happen?

"My Musical" Soundtrack

"Are You Okay? Are You Alright?" is the first song in My Musical, which is sung by J.D., Elliot and Patti Miller.


J.D.: How many fingers do you see?

Elliot: Call 9-1-1, emergency

Patti: Why are you singing? Wait...why am I singing?

J.D.: Is there someone here with you?

Elliot: Someone that we could talk to?

Onlookers: Are you okay? Are you all right? Are you okay? Are you all right? Are you okay? Are you all right?
